These are the gifts I receive from others that I feel inspired to share with you.
Artwork by Sarah Teoh
This week has been pure bliss for me. I have relaxed deeply into my heart and am fully in ‘flow’ completely focussed on the creative act that most fulfils me. Which is a…
And Then I Could Breathe Again
The prose below is written by Julia Fehrenbacher and is just one of the beautiful gifts she offers to participants in her BREATHE writing course which I am currently engaging in. This one…
Anima Monday
I am totally loving the Anima Monday website: So much of it resonates with my personal way of relating in this world. But finding the following paragraphs tucked away in the article…
Love To Dance – Dance To Love
I love seeing people dance. My mum, grandparents and great grandparents were dancing teachers and the house I grew up in was adjacent to my grandfather’s ballroom dancing school, so having literally grown…
Living Simply In A Tiny House
I love seeing how people find original a beautiful ways to live, and the Tiny House movement always intrigues me. These are a few of my favourites from the YouTube channel Living Big…
Amanita Design
Most of my personal friends and colleagues have a negative view of video games. The assumption is that they are all violent and addictive. I agree that they can become compulsive but they…
Child’s View Of Love
Neil Shah, shared this with my personal development group and I just have to share it here. I don’t know its original source, so if anyone does, please let me know so…
Pouring In Happiness
This story offers the idea that no matter who we are and where we work there is always an opportunity to brighten people’s lives, sometimes with lasting effect. I came across this story…