Five Simple Questions

Since leaving work, I’ve been supporting my husband with his podcast website and associated resources, and I’m rather proud of our latest creation. It’s an expanded update of a PDF giveaway based on the 5 Questions he asks all his podcast guests…

The podcast ‘Life Passion And Business’ has been running for several years now. And each guest has something new to bring. This year we also ran a few Online Webinar Events. Whilst writing this eBook I was reminded of a story one of the webinar guests Jo Howarth shared with us about daily gratitude which we have included in the book…

“Gratitude paves the way to joy and abundance in every aspect of life. The more we pay attention to the things that bring us joy on a daily basis the more we start to notice how rich the world can be.

This doesn’t have to be complicated. We often take the everyday things for granted. For example, when was the last time you appreciated how easy it is to make a cup of coffee or tea? There are a wealth of things to be grateful for in that one simple act.

The cup, the tap, the fresh water that flows freely into your home, the electric kettle that turns itself off, the fresh milk in your fridge. And that is not even considering all the services and the people who offer them, that have contributed to you being able to enjoy that first cup in the morning.”

Jo Howarth, runs The Happiness Club so she knows a bit about appreciating the simple things and not sweating the small stuff.

It’s also worth considering these 5 Questions for yourself. Most of our podcast guests respond to them with surprise and delight. Especially the final one “What is the meaning of life to you.” We’re often surprised by the rich variations they bring to this one.

I’ve included a link below to our new 5 Questions eBook which is available on the Life Passion & Business website. There’s also a link HERE to download an introduction to the eBook which offers a visual sense of what’s included.

URL for the FREE introduction:-

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