Stop Apologizing

I wonder sometimes what I am afraid of. What it is in me that is afraid to speak my truth. I wonder why we have created a world of fear where the voices of passion and love go unheard, where the small becomes big and encompassing and the big, vast and wonderful becomes diminished.

With so much at our fingertips we have become lost to each other, and lost to our potential to live, love, laugh and care for each other. This weeks free flowing writing speaks to that lost voice in all of us that wants to be unleashed, restored and rejuvenated.

~ Details about the writing course that birthed these words are included below. ~

Written by Me

I will stop apologizing for...

I will stop apologizing for being me
For being, honest, true and daring
For speaking into the void
For voicing what no-one dare whisper.

I will speak, I will shout, I will write and I will cry
All the tears that have been held back
Afraid to be released into this wanting world.

The tears of love, the tears of pain,
I will speak them all in words outspoken and
In words lost on pages never to be read again.

I will dare to be me 
In all my glorious multi-colours
The me that no one sees, 
The me that no one knows,
The me that dares, and dares and dares again
Over and over until every last word is spoken
into the void of this aching yearning world,

This world of hollow whispers and broken spirits
This world of lost wilderness and barren forests.
This world we love and have almost lost
Just as we have lost ourselves in not daring
Not dreaming, not speaking, shouting, laughing.

This is the world we need and will find once more 
When we come out of the closet 
And dare to dream...
Dream ourselves back to life...

In every waking moment
In every lost opportunity, in every daring day
That we live and love and grow together
In this crazy wild and wonderful world
That is wait, yearning, aching for us to wake up
And truly be as we are meant to be...

With joy, with passion, 
With daring dreaming hearts in which
Forever more the unspoken, 
Will once again be spoken
With love and with compassion
For every lost and lonely soul. 
Written by Gary

I will stop apologizing for...

I will stop apologising for…
Not being enough
Refusing the care for others that burn inside me
For being only me

There are moments of indecision
And moments you wish you could change
But what good are they if you are never going to act
Do not gauge the outcome or listen to the doubt
Do not follow the shadow
That never wants you to come out

You are limitless, you are free
You are all you need to be
Shout it from the tree tops
And to all who lends an ear
Here is help for all who is hungry
A hand away from fear

You may think you are not a saviour
To earth or to mankind
But every act of kindness
Is a soothing song for all to find

Don't hide yourself, stop apologising
And feel the power inside you, rising
Feel the love which you can share
And now life for all is something we can bare

But most of all give a great big thank you
For this chance to be once more
A gift for those around you
As well as to the one which is at your core

BREATHE with Julia Fehrenbacher

I am following a writing course with a group of friends in which we receive a beautiful verse written by Julia Fehrenbacher, along with her writing prompt, suggestions for preparation and going deeper and an affirmation or mantra to carry with us through the week. It is truly inspirational.

Gary and I have made a commitment to share and publish each other’s writing on our websites. It often feels vulnerable to release this raw material to the world, but in doing so I hope to encourage you to free your creative spirit and see where it takes you.

Gary’s website:

For information about Julia’s writing courses visit:

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