Inspired By Nature
For me there is nothing more refreshing than getting out for a solitary walk in my local woodland. It keeps me mobile, clears away the cobwebs and uplifts my soul. Taking the time to wander at my own pace allows me to reflect on things that are current for me, and often I will see or hear something that inspires or provides enlightenment.
Here are a few quotes I created that came as inspiration whilst on some of those walks.

7/6/19 Attune. Whilst attuning to the sights and sounds of the river and surrounding woodland, I realised I had tuned out the background sounds I didn’t want to hear. A good lesson in remembering to attune to that which brings me peace.

4/6/19 Trust. Sometimes when we are in transition it can be a challenge to keep sight of our goals. This inspiration came to me in such a moment, reminding me that where I am right now is the perfect place for me to be and is preparing me for what is yet to come.

14/12/19 Find Your Own Path. Reflecting on how people choose to live their lives, some in the fast lane setting high goals, others quietly living a gentle life helps me to recognise there are many ways to enjoy living, and it is important to find the path that nurtures me the most.