Slow Down?

Along with a group of friends I am following a writing course in which we receive weekly writing prompts and I have to admit this one was a particular challenge for me. Having already slowed my life tremendously to mange Parkinson’s disease, the prospect of slowing further brought up anxiety.

The aim with this course is that we drop all expectations and see what comes. I scrapped my first attempt because I recognised I was controlling it and completely bypassing my feelings. So what I am sharing here is raw. Gary’s response to the same writing prompt arrived like a healing balm for me. I hope you enjoy it too.

~ Further details about the writing course included below. ~

Written by Me

If I slowed way down I would be lost...
Lost to the world and lost to myself.
I would become so still
I would cease to exist.

I need to stay here
In a place of active engagement,
Where my soul can live
And breathe in this crazy world.

I need to stay here in this
Creative curious state of flow
Where I actively engage with life.

Not the crazy, chaotic 
Whirlwind of life others experience.
My life, in the slow lane
Allows my soul to breathe
Life into this tired body.

This slow lane enables me
To rest in divine grace
To follow the ebb and flow
Of life as it is intended to be.

Here in the slow lane
I have discovered what it
Really means to live...
Truly live, as we are all intended to.

THIS is the state of grace
Meant for all humanity
This is the place where God
Resides in all of us.

THIS is where we find harmony
With one another and with all of nature.

THIS is where nature comes to life,
Where angels and divas
Dance among us.

This is where we discover
That life is not about hustle and bustle.
This is where we discover life is
A natural flow of synchronicity.

This is where the purpose
Of everything becomes crystal clear.
This is where we find each other.

This is where we know God in Divine form,
The essence of all living beings.
This is where we all belong. 
Written by Gary

If I slowed down I would feel the heart of the earth.
I would connect with the spirit within all things
in a way that would make me weep with joy.

What better way to spend your time?
And with this, I would change my world 
and with a little hope, 
the world of those around me.

To notice the beauty of simply being is a gift 
worth sharing and the only gift of worth 
that truly awakens our awareness 
of the truth inside

There is life in the stillness
There is love in nature
waiting for all to recognise it

And with this realisation 
I feel as though I have arrived in heaven
A place within is now manifested outside my body
And I dwell here for a moment
While I rest in this eternity

To taste it
Witness it
Feel it

Oh how I want it to never end
And as I set foot on this earth once more
I take this presence with me

And carry this torch on my way.

For information about Julia’s writing courses visit:

Gary is also sharing our writing on his website:

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